Secrets on How to Be the Best

(Don't miss out on how you can get FREE hitting lessons on the bottom of this page.)

Master these 7 steps and you are on your way to achieving your goal of being a hitter that can go as far as your dreams, desires, and hard work can take you.


The stance is similar to when you land from a jump - knees bent - feet slightly wider than your shoulders - on balance - bend slightly forward from the waist.


The best grip to use will line up the knuckles we would use to knock on a door. This allows for a freer and quicker swing.


This reminds us of the soft step that starts the swing with weight landing on the big toe. It’s no more than 6” and keeps the weight back while this step is taken. It also reminds us to keep the front foot closed.


When we hit, we need to use not just our arms, but get the big muscles in our hips and torso working, as well. This is a hard twisting on the ball of our back foot.


We need to take the barrel of our bat right to the ball, like in karate. The lower hand would be a snap from the elbow straight out, while the top hand would go straight toward the ball so that it meets the ball in the ...


Hit the ball out in front, where our hands and arms are fully extended for maximum impact with the ball contacting the sweet spot of the bat. Also known as the hitting zone or success zone.


This reminds us that once we’ve hit the ball to bring the bat through the zone quickly. You’re still in your straight balanced position, but your hands go right from contact to your shoulder or back.

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these 7 steps over and over until you've mastered them. Then you just might hear someone in the stands yelling "That's a great hitter".

So that you can understand all of these steps better I've arranged for you to get FREE lessons via e-mail, so don't miss out on going to our

free hitting lessons page.

Coach Andy Collins

will help you become a better hitter as he has with hundreds of kids over the past 30 years. I've worked with National Team Players, College Scholarship athletes, high school athletes, all-star players and beginning players.

My techniques work great for girl's fastpitch softball and for those interested in learning a short, quick, compact swing in baseball.

You can learn through my e-mail lessons, private lessons, or group lessons and clinics. Contact Coach Andy at 805-642-5827 in Ventura, California.

You can keep up-to-date with any new drills I have for you and products that will help you be a better hitter by signing up for my newsletter.

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