Hitting Training Videos
If you want hitting training from some of the best coaches in baseball and fastpitch softball check into these videos.
Obviously I'm going to be biased toward my own video, but hear me out. There is a fierce argument raging in hitting circles as to how to teach your hitter. These two styles are very different, so you need the information that this video has to offer so you can make an intelligent choice as to which style is best for your hitter or to know how to counter what other coaches are saying after you've chosen one, but they still want to convert you over to their way. (Especially when they go into a little slump.)

Click here to learn more about the rotational vs. linear swing and which one will help you hit best.
Baseball Hitting Training
When you want to learn how to be the best at something you go to college.
It's no different when it comes to hitting. Go to the University of Tennessee and learn Hitting Fundamentals from UT's head baseball Coach Rod Delmonico. He also has many Hitting Drills that you can practice to perfect your swing.
Click on either video above to learn more about baseball hitting training.
Softball Hitting Videos
If you play or coach fastpitch softball, you'll really enjoy getting your training directly from one of the most successful coaches in NCAA history, the UCLA head coach, Sue Enquist.
A .401 hitter in college herself and holder of the UCLA batting record for over 20 years, she has studied hitting and has a firm grasp on how to teach it to your hitters.
Currently she has 7 hitting videos.
Other Hitting Training
While it's not a video, but an audio CD, there is nowhere else in the world where you can get the teachings on hitting a fastpitch softball from the winningest coach in ASA history.
Click here to learn more about the Phil Bruder hitting CD.
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